Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Getting started in verilog FPGA design with Arrow's LPRP Altera board

Arrow's LPRP board has lots of stuff, but a simple getting started project would be to just blink a LED. The oscillator clock to the FPGA is 48 MHz, we'll divide it down.


module blink (
input CLK_48_MHZ,
input USER_PB,
output [3:0] USER_LED) ;
wire reset_l = USER_PB ;
reg [27:0] count1 ;
always @ (posedge CLK_48MHZ or negedge reset_l)
if (~reset_l)
count1 <= 0 ;
count1 <= count1 + 1 ;
assign USER_LED = count1[27:24] ;

1 comment:

Susan Benz said...

Um yes I totally agree : )